Become a Monthly Donor

With all Memberships Packages you will be supporting our cause raising awareness about autism & also awareness of the struggles as parents raising children with a mental disability. The donations will go towards purchasing more books, merchandise, and fundraisers or events for our children & parents in the community. Bringing joy to our children during the holidays is important to me being able to give back to the hospitals that were there for Jorgia and I at the most difficult moments in our lives. Having so much support when she was sick from her Cystic Fibrosis meant everything to me. Giving back to the autism center and families where Jorgia has attended since she was about 5 years old, receiving behavioral therapy and also support to our family helping us with Jorgia’s behavioral issues. With your membership fee you will receive monthly updates on events, speaking engagements, book signings, 10% discount on merchandise & books. Be the first to know about any new upcoming merchandise or new books coming out. You will also receive the items below under your membership Package you choose.

If you would like to just give a one time donation rather than the membership package, we would greatly appreciate your support that way as well.

We greatly appreciate your donations & Thank you so much for your monthly support in helping families realize the gift that lies within their Journey.

Help Support Jorgia’s Impact